Happy Monday Morning All! It is such a pretty day here already this morning, and I am enjoying it so much. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and I can't think of a better way to start my day, then to spend some time with my blogging friends.
This past week has been incredibly busy, just life in general, and the days just keep getting past me. I have however been working on some Americana pieces this week, and wanted to share some of them with you. I hope to have them all listed in my Etsy shop within the next few days, but in the meantime if you are interested in any of them, I love emails......:)
The above photo is another set of wood pears that I did in the Americana theme. My intention is to do a set for each season, so be looking for the ones for fall to be coming in a few weeks.

Of course no season would be complete without doing some Holiday themed soaps. Here are three that I did and I think my favorite is the American flag.
I love this color combination. It is still Americana, but a little softer.
All of my decorative soaps are painted with the intention of decorative use only, but they can be used from the bottom up, and the design does remain until the end of the bar. These make great hostess gifts and great additions to gift baskets too.
This shelf sitter block is on of my favorties Americana designs from Terrye French. Oh so prim, with the washed out American flag, and the adorable sheep!
I have a few more Americana items that I will be showing you in the next week or so........I just need to do some finishing touches and they will be complete. So please be sure to stop back by when you get a free moment! Happy Monday Everyone!