As always the week just flew by once again. I didn't get allot of projects completed, but they have been base coated, and are ready for next week. I have been in a Patriotic mode lately, so I am hoping to have more to share with you in the coming days ahead. In the meantime, I did get this little box done. I am always looking for creative storage solutions, and when I saw this adorable box I could see a happy home, for all those little needfuls, that never have a home.
I just adore stitchery, although I must admit I never have time to do it myself any longer. Maybe it is time to start making it a "must do", even if only a few minutes a day. I just love the penny rugs, stitchery, rug hooking, and needlework I come across on blogs, prim shops, and websites. Never is there enough time to do all the things we would love to do.......sigh
Time will be becoming even shorter for me soon. My garden takes priority when the weather finally warms up enough to start doing some serious planting. I only have a few short months to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and I take full advantage of it. Mornings will find me in the garden, and many times I take my work outside and spend the day, if family life allows. I am hoping to bring you updates of the garden as it changes with the spring and summer season. We have started some changes already and I can't wait to see the final result.
So here is wishing everyone a great weekend......spend time with your families, and friends, and don't forget to spend a little time with yourself. Your creative spirit will thank you.......