Friday, June 10, 2011

Sharing My Garden

It has been awhile since I have had a chance to blog. At this time of year, I lay my paint brushes down, and take up my second love......gardening. It is always such a pleasure for me to choose the new annuals, make up the flower baskets, and decide what new additions are going to be made for the year.
Since removing a couple of dying trees, it has opened a section of the garden for me to grow roses, and I couldn't be more thrilled.

This portion of the garden is in full sun, so I have so many options.......need to lay more mulch but it is
pretty much complete now.

This is a view of my shade garden. I simply love hostas. This is the perfect place to start your day......a cup of coffee, the sound of the cascading water, and it is simply paradise to me.
I am really anxious for the honeysuckle to fill bloomed beautifully this year, but needs to grow a little fuller to fill in this corner of the garden.
This is not a great photo of my gourd......but my friend Donna painted this for me and I just love it. Adds just a touch of whimsy......perfect!
One of the new additions this year was some foxglove. I needed a bit of color in this area, and I am anxious to see them grow and fill out.

So now I am ready to just sit back and relax, and enjoy my spring garden. In about three weeks I will have more photos to share as my summer perennials start to bloom. Now it is back to the studio to work on some new projects I will be sharing with you shortly.
Until next time......God Bless