I hope that you all are enjoying these last days of summer. Actually here in Illinois it has been almost Fall like. We are in for three days worth of rain in our area,so now I have no excuse not to get more done....:).
Our summer has not been a normal one.....due to my husbands surgery and recovery we were not able to get away this year, but I have enjoyed the many hours that we have been blessed with, just sitting on the porch, or out in the garden watching the world go by.We have the most gorgeous butterflies this year....multitudes of them, so along with those and the wonderful song birds that come back every year, it has been a pure delight just staying home. But.....he will be returning to work next week, and I really need to get back into the groove of working steady again also, so this is what I started with.....

Well hopefully I will be getting back into a normal routine here soon.......but in the meantime I want to thank each and everyone of my wonderful followers for having such patience while I get back into the swing of things again. You are all the greatest! Now off to check out your wonderful blogs! Till next time...........Blessings to All