Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Just Had To Share!

I reached a milestone today! I finally achieved my 100th sale on Etsy! I have been working on this goal for a few weeks now, and when I saw that sale come through I was just beside myself! Debbie, of SugarMntMerchantile who also has a shop on Etsy was the wonderful lady that made my day! Thanks again Debbie, and I hope you enjoy the added gift to your order!

It is an overcast day here today, but it is in the high 60's and for that it is wonderful! I am hoping to finish up the inside duties, and head outside and do some cleaning and sprucing up in my garden. Lots of flowers are beginning to pop through, and when that happens, I head to the storage shed to bring out all the garden things. It is a tradition now with my grandson Cory, that grandma can't put the garden together in the spring without his help, so since he will be here this afternoon, it will be a great time to get started. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend......take time to enjoy your friends and family.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What I Have Been Working On Wednesday!

Heavens I can't believe it is Wednesday already! It has been a busy week and the time just flies by faster then I can keep up! I have really enjoyed reading everyone's Easter stories on their blogs, hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Now for what I have been working on.........these are metal plates that have been sitting on the shelves for what seems like forever, and I thought they would make the perfect surface for these two designs. The top one is John Sliney, and the one below is by artist Charlene Barlow. These are two of my all time favorite primitive designers!
I love to paint anything designed by John Sliney! His simplistic approach to art, coupled with is wonderful interpretation of Colonial America, just speaks to my heart in every way.