I am finally getting a moment to post some pictures of our family tree. I am so attached to this ole tree......it has been with me for many, many years. My husband and I have decided that this will be its last year, as we need something a bit smaller now that we have downsized. Our living area is not large, and as you can see this tree takes up the entire corner of the room........but I love it! So after the holidays we will be on the hunt for another "perfect" tree.....and I hope it will hold the wonder and magic that this one has for us.

This is my grandson Cory, decorating the tree in his room. He and grandma have one thing we both love....STARS! He has them on the top of his tree, on his ceiling, and of course his favorite ornaments are the ones from Star Wars! We have been adding to this tree since he was first born, and we collect ornaments for all the occasions in his life too. From the first pair of baby shoes, to the latest Star Wars ormament, he has it on this tree. He shared with me that this is his favorite part of Christmas,(short of presents......:) and you can't get any better then that.

Till next time..........hope you all have a very good week, and I will be back soon! Blessings!