Great Monday Morning Blogging Friends! I hope you are all enjoying Fall type weather as we are today. There is a nip in the air, the leaves are falling, and it is sweatshirt weather here for sure! So in keeping with this gorgeous fall day, I have my pumpkin tarts burning, and I have been busy in my studio finishing up a couple more Halloween buckets for you to see.

I just love this little guy.......he is a new design by Terrye French, and he makes me smile every time I look at it. Not making any promises, but I would love to do this design on some treat bags if time allows. Isn't he just the cutest? These buckets are so versitile.....they can be used for storage, as treat containers, or even to put cute Halloween arrangements in.

This paint can here is too cute to be scary! This is a design by Laurie Spletz, and this one is loaded in pumpkins, stars, and of course a "Scaredy Cat" Love the way his hair is standing on end....:)
I am in the process of working on one more before the season is gone.......this one is strictly for Fall, and I hope to be able to share it with you soon. Hope everyone has a terrific fall day, and thanks again to all my wonderful followers! Each and every one of you is priceless to me, and I so love reading all your great comments! Till next time..............Blessings to All