Anyway, I started working on some fall items, the biggest problem was what to choose first. Fall and Winter are my favorite seasons to paint for, and I will never get all my ideas done in one lifetime.
This paint bucket was really fun to is loaded in detail, with bats, spiders, webs, a pumpkin and of course a friendly ghost. This was a design by Yvette Perrin that I purchased three years ago, and finally got around to painting it. Don't ya love it?

This is another one that I did, with a crow and an ear of corn. I don't know what it is about painting soaps, but they are my all time favorite thing to do.

Last but not least, is another one of those projects that I started a couple years ago, and never finished. I was determined that this year I would finally get it done. In this photo I haven't added a hanger yet, but I will add some curly wire so that it can be hung if desired. I did one for myself, that I just prop up against my antique milk can when I decorate for fall.

Till next time, I hope you enjoy what I have created, and I will return soon with more prim decorative items for you to see so stay tuned. Wishing everyone a blessed day.........