Hey All!
Sure hope you all are having some gorgeous weather today. It is just wonderful here in our little town, and I am headed out in a bit to enjoy it. Before I go though, I wanted to share what I was able to finish up this morning.
What prim gal doesn't love a cover? Toasters, stoves, sinks, switch plates, you name it we want it covered to blend in with our primitive decorating. Well the other day I was in my studio and I pulled down one of these tissue boxes, and was going to paint a primitive scene on it, but nothing was jumping out at me. I know it may sound silly, but most of my pieces speak to me.......telling me what they want to become, and I knew I wasn't going in the right direction. So I got to thinking about how I would want it to look if it were in my home, and then it all started coming together. I painted it black, sanded and antiqued it, and then came downstairs and got on the computer.
I contacted Susie of Yankee Lane Primitives and asked her if she could design a label specifically for my tissue boxes. I knew what I wanted, but she did me one better, and within a half an hour this wonderful lady had it designed and sent to me. Susie, I can't thank you enough, you have done a marvelous job on these. If you are in need of any type of labels, be sure to visit Susie's blog, she has such neat labels for anything you can think of. I am just delighted with how this one turned out.......perfectly prim don't ya think?